Same-Day Repairs
We are now offering Same Day Repairs to prioritize the needs of running bikes that need small fixes for safe riding.
Same-Day Repairs are ONLY for Flat Tires, Snapped Chains, Broken Cables, or Blown Light-bulbs. ALL other repairs require a
Full Service Drop-Off.
Please read all of the following before booking:
Same Day Repairs ONLY apply to running bikes.
If your bike does not start, it will require an Drop Off Service by Appointment.Same Day Repairs are ONLY for the following:
Tire Changes / Flat Fixes
Cable Changes (Brakes, Throttle, Choke, etc)
Chain Replacement
Oil Changes
Bulb Replacement
There is a limit of TWO (2) service items per bike/customer per day.
(ex. 1 tire change and 1 cable changes, OR 2 tire changes, etc)
If your bike needs more work than that, it requires you to come on multiple days, or book a Drop Off Service by Appointment.